Screen Shot 2016-07-31 at 9.35.47 PMA dislocated conversation between the amplified sounds of breathing and an accordion. The rhythm and inflection of the breath, one of the most basic forms of information and an organic binary code, connects the performers between two spaces via electric current and sound. The breath and the motion of the accordion play out the duality of in and out, interior and exterior, empty and full, swell and receded.

Key ideas while developing this piece:

-monitering myself in relation to the viewer. my heartbeat and breath would be affected by being watched (an essential aspect of art), the audience, and atmosphere of the room. The work would be generated by the very basic bodily interaction between the viewer and the performer/artist

-a system and space. I wanted to make an open loop where the audience would be an input  for my output. My output  would be amplified and sent to another space where it would be the input for another performer who  would translate the info into a more recognizable form of music. I liked the idea of two people interacting with each other only through this one link (the breath or the heartbeat) both residing in different situations making connections with viewers via this thread. I was looking at the breath as an interface in the same way that the ear is revealed in an interface in WMDB (the subject of my essay). This lead to thinking about the breath as binary code/information.

-the boundaries of the body, treating the house as a body

When I met with Richard we spoke about duration and duality (as basic elements of music), information, binary code, binary of two people with their own binary in and out, empty and full, the tide/waves, the accordion.

Richard suggested that we close the loop so that we can hear each other. I liked the outcome of this and we were partially separated in the performance. It became more about the connection between the two of us than a monitoring. There was also the aspect of people first seeing Richard and hearing me and then realizing the source of the sound. A dislocation of sound an sound source.